Next we need to obtain some big/quality wordlist. Press alt+d+h to open Hash Suite Downloader and select some wordlist(s) to download (fig 4) (Tip: In Hash Suite, pressing F1 shows a context sensitive help, so if you do not know how to do something simply press F1 and read the documentation). We will download and use in the tutorial the wordlist wikipedia-wordlist-sraveau-20090325.txt.bz2 that contains words taken from Wikipedia.
Use Wordlist (fig 13) with the file wikipedia-wordlist-sraveau-20090325.txt.bz2 (the file we began to download at the preparing stage) as input. Note that the attack start is delayed some seconds while Hash Suite is compiling and optimizing rules for the GPU.
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There is also an easy pattern of person names with leetspeak transformation. We can exploit it by downloading the wordlist facebook-names-unique.txt.bz2 and applying leet rules. We leave this pattern for readers of this tutorial to explore on their own.
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